Aaron Watkins

Keep Smiling! :)



I'm Aaron, a Photographer Based in Edinburgh, Scotland!

My primary style has been Landscape Photography, as I had so much beautiful country around me at home in Royal Deeside. After moving to Edinburgh, and with my own personal preference, I began to focus more on Portraits, and Urban/City Photography.

I've included some other styles of photos in the gallery section to showcase things I've dabbled in but aren't necessarily my primary focus.

Also side note, I started coding this website for a Web Technologies module at University, where we were taught how to create websites.
It was a great chance to both learn how to create websites, but also have something super useful I can use at the end of it!
I kept it going after I completed the module as I was enjoying what I was doing and this is the result, my site, coded myself!

Any questions or to get in touch send me a message on Instagram: @aaron__watkins

And Remember, Keep Smiling! :)

~ Aaron